Linked Questions

19 votes
1 answer

Bandwidth limiting in Yosemite [duplicate]

I get disconnected from the internet whenever the speed reaches 2.5 Mbps Is there any app to limit the internet speed below that. I am not talking per application based. Using MacBook Pro (mid 2013) ...
Akash Lodha's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to choke network preformance on OS X [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to simulate slow internet connections on the mac For testing purposes I would like to choke the performance of the network on my OS X 10.8.2 machine. I have currently ...
Paul Peelen's user avatar
57 votes
7 answers

Managing Metered Connections on OSX

I'm being forced to use my Macbook more and more with my metered 4G connection. I really need to keep data usage limited. Windows has an metered connection mode which really helps with this. What's ...
Damien Sawyer's user avatar
48 votes
7 answers

Bandwidth shaper or bandwidth controller application for Mac OS X

I'm looking for a bandwidth/packet throttle/shaper program with the following features: Similar to Windows-based Netlimiter. GUI based and not terminal or command line. Shows list of all applications ...
Rishi's user avatar
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17 votes
9 answers

Mavericks Finder spins when opening folders

Since upgrading to Mavericks, Finder sometimes hangs when I select a folder and am waiting for its contents to populate the window. This happens primarily in Open dialog boxes: It'll spin for about ...
Matt's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

How can I simulate having a slow CPU?

I am almost done coding my webapp-game. It runs on all modern browsers. However, I want to establish some minimum requirements for it. Thus, I need a slow Mac. However, I don't have access to a slow ...
JavaAndCSharp's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Can a Mac's airport card run 802.11 N, G, B or A only?

Occasionally it's nice to hard code a wired connection network port to not auto negotiate and force things to be 100 half duplex even though a higher speed is configured and negotiable on the switch. ...
bmike's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to open console on ipad?

Some of my users are sending me bug reports saying my website doesn't work on their device. They send me screenshots and videos of the problem. When I use all the simulators and the devices that I ...
demiculus's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Configure WLAN as metered or tethered in macOS [duplicate]

MacOS seems to assume a WLAN connection to be free of charge if and only if it is not a tethered iPhone connection. So it will run all background update and maintenance processes via that WLAN ...
Frank's user avatar
  • 536
1 vote
1 answer

How to throttle usage of individual computer with Apple Airport?

There are a bunch of kids in our house using wifi. When one is watching HD video on Youtube, everyone else can hardly load a webpage. How can I customize the Apple Airport to throttle usage for all ...
User's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to set max download speed on MacOS updates?

My Mac is downloading a new update and it is hogging the internet so I can't work at all. How do I throttle the speed? Here's an example of how it's done in Windows:
Karl Morrison's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can I slow down my iPhones network connection while testing an app?

I'm trying to test an iPhone app that needs to be usable in low-bandwidth / poor signal areas. I know I can slow the network on my Mac and the simulator in Xcode, but not how to slow iOS and iPadOS ...
Paul G's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Bandwidth limit downloads in Safari

My browser is Safari. If I want to download something, is there a way I can limit the download speed? Doesn't necessarily have to use the Safari downloader (although that would be ideal), I assume I ...
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