I was trying to get around Vemedio's Instacast limitation on storage location by symlinking (ln -s) the Episodes folder in ~Library/Containers/com.vemedio.osx.Instacast/Data/Documents/Instacast to another location on another drive (which is actually internal in my Mac Pro for what it is worth...). I am wondering if Apple's sandboxing is preventing this to work... Once I open Instacast, none of the previously downloaded episodes are marked as available locally and if I try to redownload one, it seems to download the file in the background but never makes it available... Any idea?

  • what symlink command path are you using for the other drive exactly (anonymize if you must but include important stuff)? Commented Aug 17, 2013 at 5:47
  • ln -s /Volumes/BigOne/Podcasts/Episodes while I am in /Users/kheldar/Library/Containers/com.vemedio.osx.Instacast/Data/Documents/Instacast Commented Aug 17, 2013 at 12:30
  • Have you tried killing the link and simply creating an alias in finder instead? Some programs only resolve one or the other depending on implementation. Commented Aug 17, 2013 at 17:39
  • After you make the link (but before launching Instacast), does the link work? That is, if you put a text file in the folder, can you see it in both places?
    – TJ Luoma
    Commented Aug 20, 2013 at 23:21
  • Yes the link works I can cd into the link and I can copy things from one to the other. However, Instacast does not see any of the linked files, which tells me it is looking for a specific file ID which I deleted when I changed the folder into a symlink... WHat do you think? Commented Aug 23, 2013 at 4:40

1 Answer 1


For some reason, symlinking a part of the folder inside of the Containers folder doesn't work. If you want to symlink, you have to symlink the whole folder, i.e. com.vemedio.osx.Instacast

On OS X versions that support sandboxed apps (beginning from Lion), it's sometimes impossible to symlink a sandboxed app application support files to other partition, at least, an inner portion of the folder structure.


For example, Airmail is a sandboxed email client. I'd like to move its settings and email db to another partition by symlinking it, but it doesn't work with the app if I symlink an inner folder of its library container:

cd ~/Library/Containers/it.bloop.airmail.beta7/Data/Library/Application\ Support/
ln -s /Volumes/doxx/sys/Airmail Airmail

The solution is to symlink the whole container:

cd ~/Library/Containers/
ln -s /Volumes/doxx/sys/Airmail/it.bloop.airmail it.bloop.airmail

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