I am confused how to setup proxy for iTunes and App Store on Macbook Air.

I have noticed that Safari can connect to the Internet through proxy, but for iTunes and App Store, I do not know how it works.

Can you help me with this? Thanks.

3 Answers 3


The Change Settings… button in Safari > Preferences… > Advanced opens the global Proxies sheet. Changes made here affect every app that uses that connection.

Safari > Preferences > Advanced

System Preferences > Network > Proxies

Alternatively the sheet can be opened by opening System Preferences.app, selecting Network, then Advanced…, then Proxies.

  • I know it works for Safari, but I am asking another question.
    – eccstartup
    Commented Jul 19, 2013 at 16:56
  • @eccstartup "Changes made here affect every app that uses that connection." :)
    – grg
    Commented Jul 19, 2013 at 18:16
  • What "made here" refers to?
    – eccstartup
    Commented Jul 19, 2013 at 18:22
  • I think I should vote up and wait for you reply.
    – eccstartup
    Commented Jul 20, 2013 at 3:31
  • 2
    Yeah, I understand now. But in fact, if you want to visit iTunes, you have to configure SOCKS proxy. Web proxy(HTTP) won't work. Thanks for your help.
    – eccstartup
    Commented Jul 20, 2013 at 11:33

I am going to recommend two methods to get things working when under any proxy. I am using Mavericks, but I think these methods should work for any other version of OS X too. Go to second method if you don't want to read through the whole answer.

1. Using Advanced Proxy Settings using Locations in Network Preferences.

I personally shift between various networks regularly. Some of these require a proxy, and others don't, and I find the Locations feature very helpful. I created a "College" location specifically for those networks which require a proxy, in which all networks need a proxy authentication.

All these settings can be accessed from System Preferences -> Network.

Here's where you can create a new location You can create a new location as per your needs as shown in the above picture.

Click on Advanced button to get to proxy settings Once you're done with the location, connect to your favorite network and click on the Advanced settings.

Set Proxy settings under proxy tab Go to proxy tab, and set your proxy settings as shown in the image. Notice the *college-domain-here.com in the "Bypass proxy" section below: you can specify those domains here, for which you don't need a proxy server to access. Remember to set HTTP, HTTPS, and whatever other proxies you need - all of them. Forgetting any one of those will cause weird problems like websites loading indefinitely and so on.

I have found this method to be very helpful in most occasions, but I've had my share of troubles with this method. For example, App Store and iTunes Store didn't work most of the time, and a really irritating dialogue box popped up randomly asking for my password, which never seemed to work.

So, here is a better method:

2. Using Authoxy

Authoxy is a small software which runs a proxy server in your local machine (laptop) and tunnels all your connections in a beautiful manner via the proxy you specify. Authproxy settings

Here is a step-by-step procedure to get it installed and working: http://davidtse916.wordpress.com/2008/03/14/a-step-by-step-guide-to-authoxy/

The good thing is: AppStore and iTunes always work with this method.


I find setting up SORKS proxy is a solution with ssh tunnel.

I refer to this document for help.

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