I'm building a web site. There are three Macs that I commonly use for development, depending upon my location: an iMac in San Diego, and iMac in Vegas, and a MacBook Air in all other places. As I move from place to place, I have to copy the contents of the "[username]/Sites" folder from machine to machine so I can get my work done. It would be nice if I could just keep a master copy of the site files in one place.
So I signed up for the free cloud-based Skydrive storage. The pointer to the storage lives at "[username]/documents/SkyDrive". Anything inside that folder syncs across all of my Macs. Which leads me to my question…
How can I change the path that local web hosting uses (on OSX 10.8.2) to point to my SkyDrive folder instead of the default "[username]/sites"?
The goal is that when I navigate to "[username]/index.html", the built-in OSX web server will pull in the index.html file from a SkyDrive folder. Hope this makes sense.
It's important to note that I won't actually be attempting to run a production website off of SkyDrive. No external users will be using the site in this manner. This is just to make my development processes a bit easier.