I recently deleted (Oops!) my swap files and thanks to some great help on this forum, I was able to re-start my Mac and there is now a new swap folder.
I had used Grand Perspectives in an attempt to clear up some RAM, and that's how I even found the large swapfiles.
As I have a MacBook Air with only 2 GB of space, I imagine this problem might happen again. I noticed my computer 'whirring' a lot before I cleared the files (internal fan of some sort?). I took it to mean the computer was working harder than usual to run my the programs I had open: Excel, Word, Preview, Mozilla, and Safari; is this typically a sign that I have too many programs open and risk filling my swap files?
I'm wondering what to do if my swap files again get so big? Will re-starting the Mac clear the swap files?
Thanks & Cheers, Cynthia