I've been running a python script from the command line that's inserting data in a database for a couple of hours now. It will take at least half a day more before it's finished. However, I want to take the laptop with me to somewhere else. My sleep at closing lid settings (if they exist) are at default (I've never looked at them). If I close the lid and open it in 4 or 5 hours, will the python script resume from where it left off? If not, can this be set to work in the preferences somehow?
1 Answer
It should continue, if your script has any error-handling for loosing connection to the database (assuming off-site DB).
Though the exact behaviour is hard to predict without seeing the actual code. Sleeping the system may also leed to unexpected results in the script.
Thanks. It's a local database, so connection is not a problem.– NiekCommented Nov 6, 2012 at 12:09
@Niek - so you are testing this for all of us. Can you post your results? :) Commented Nov 6, 2012 at 12:19
3@carbontax it continued where it left off after I opened it again– NiekCommented Nov 6, 2012 at 16:47