Since I installed iOS 6 on my iPhone and iPad, iCal shows Sunday as the start of the week, rather than Monday. These iOS iCals are synced over iCloud with iCal on my Mac OS X desktop, which has a General Preference for "Start week on" and which I have set to Monday. How do I make a similar setting for the iOS 6 devices?

  • Are you in Europe? Maybe you should check iPhone > Settings > General > International and make sure you are in the UK or so. I assume if this is set to US, weeks start on Sunday.
    – myhd
    Commented Oct 30, 2012 at 14:52

1 Answer 1


Unfortunately, the region format for Ireland sets the start of the week to Sunday.

There's no way to override this other than to set the region format to United Kingdom, which has Monday as the start of the week.

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