There's an application called ShadowKiller that seems popular and supposedly works for Lion, but it just seems to die as soon as I try to start it on Mountain Lion.
I'd like to get around of the shadows surrounding a window.
There's an application called ShadowKiller that seems popular and supposedly works for Lion, but it just seems to die as soon as I try to start it on Mountain Lion.
I'd like to get around of the shadows surrounding a window.
This one works well for me: toggle-osx-shadows.
It is easy to compile and use, and there are only 17 lines of code.
chmod 700 toggle-osx-shadows
to make it executable, of course!
Sep 5, 2014 at 16:12
ShadowKiller still works for me on 10.8, but it's supposed to quit silently after it's opened. You can run it at login by adding it to login items.
Nocturne also has an option to disable the shadows.
Related questions at Super User:
I spent a lot of time on this issue, and even got to the point that I wrote a little program to fix it. Then I discovered something much simpler:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSUseLeopardWindowValues NO
defaults write NSUseLeopardWindowValues YES
The second one is necessary because Safari doesn't seem to like the shadows (you get a "Invalid unbuffered shadow parameters." comment in syslog).
The program I use to do this on OS X 10.8.4 is ShadowSweeper.
This one looks like it might also work but I haven't tried it myself.