I have a MacBook model A1181, 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB memory. It's running Snow Leopard, and running fine including speed wise. I want to upgrade to make use of iOS simulator and XCode 4. Saw that App Store has only the newest 10.8 Mountain Lion for upgrade, and saw a few reviews saying it slowed down their Macs, even w/ 16GB memory, wonder what it will do to my machine.
I would prefer to get 10.7 Lion. Any way to get that anymore, maybe at Apple Stores? Or am I out of luck and have to go to 10.8 if I want to upgrade? Too bad I should have upgraded sooner when 10.8 wasn't out yet.
Update: looking around online, looks like my Mac may not even quality for requirements for 10.8, but 10.7 should be ok.