Should I use the same Apple ID for iCloud and the iTunes store?
My immediate assumption was "sure, of course, keep it simple", but today I read the following recommendation:
One potential problem that users of Apple’s iCloud and other services can easily fall into is the overuse of a single account across the services used on their devices—for example, using the same Apple ID for both iCloud and the iTunes store. The iTunes store links your credit card data to your Apple ID for music and application purchases, as well as in-app purchases. It stores your contact information and address as well. So it’s a potential source of even bigger headaches if it’s exposed along with your iCloud account.
... with the obvious implication that you should not use the same Apple ID for both iCloud and the iTunes store. So, what is the best practice? What are the tradeoffs?
Related: Are there disadvantages to using different Apple IDs for iCloud and Store purchases?; Is it a bad idea to have a shared Apple ID for purchases that also is used for iCloud?; How many Apple IDs should one household have?. However, those questions do not address security concerns.