I’m experiencing a number of issues with the Mountain Lion Notification Center and Dock. Just wanted to check whether anyone else is having similar problems.
On my 2011 iMac, the Dock doesn’t show up immediately with the rest of the desktop UI on startup. Also, the icons sometimes “fall” from where they normally sit on the dock and appear jumping out from the bottom edge of the screen.
A more serious issue: on a 2009 iMac, the Notification Center sometimes stops working completely and freezes other parts of the OS UI when called. The Dock becomes irresponsive, Mission Control cannot be called, spaces do not switch, Cmd+Tab doesn’t work. Basically, I can only interact with the windows on the current space and the menubar. To “unfreeze” everything else, I have to “Force Quit” the
process in the Activity Monitor (killall Dock
doesn’t seem to work). Though still after that, any attempt to call the Notification Center will result in another “freeze”.
Has anyone experienced anything similar? If yes, did you manage to find any solution and/or the cause of these problems?