Under Mountain Lion, syncing Reminders to iCloud is linked to syncing Calendars for some reason:

enter image description here

In contrast, under iOS (version 5), you're able to sync Reminders to iCloud separately:

enter image description here

I sync my Calendars to a Google Calendar, and my Reminders to iCloud on my iOS devices. However, in Mountain Lion, this doesn't seem to be possible.

Is there some workaround to the limitation in the preference pane in OS X?

  • FWIW, this is not an issue in Mavericks.
    – user15819
    Commented Aug 11, 2014 at 17:20
  • Unfortunately it's a hidden issue in Mavericks. Though Apple gives separate tickboxes for Calendars and Reminders, it still syncs them together or not at all.
    – 2540625
    Commented Feb 16, 2015 at 23:36

3 Answers 3


Yes you can. Just add your google account from System Preferences as usual. Then open iCal > Preferences > Accounts > iCloud and untick "Enable this account"

enter image description here

  • This didn't work. Reminders isn't pulling down my iCloud Reminders.
    – user15819
    Commented Jul 28, 2012 at 20:04
  • @Keen, make sure Calendars & Reminders is still checked.
    – Lukas
    Commented Dec 31, 2012 at 17:49

This works.. one more thing to make it safe - i.e. to retain your google calendar without a fuss..

  • Disable WIFI or unplug your Ethernet cable
  • enable Reminders & Calendar in the Cloud Setting in Mountain Lion
  • Open iCal, and iCal will attempt to Sync w/ iCloud and will eventually timeout
  • click "Try Again Later"
  • In iCal go to Preferences > Accounts > iCloud and untick "Enable this account"
  • Enable your WIFI/plug in your Ethernat cable
  • Additional note.. everything seems to be setup, but the reminders are still not syncing w/ iCloud. However the Google Calendar is still syncing as normal..
    – Luke
    Commented Aug 9, 2012 at 6:07

I, too, would very much like the OSX Reminders to be sync'd with iCloud separately from Calendar (I, too, sync my Calendar with Google Calendars). In testing out Keen's response, I found that if I leave my OSX Calendar enabled in iCloud, then look in OSX Reminders, I see all the same tasks as on my iOS devices. On my OSX Reminders, I added a task to one of the iCloud lists. Then, once again, disabled the iCloud Calendar account. Now, when I look at my iOS device, the task I added while on my Mac is there (and alerted me on my iOS device at the appropriate time).

So, temporarily enabling the OSX Calendar/Reminders sync with iCloud is a work-around...certainly not pretty, but do-able...until Apple improves OSX to separate the Reminders iCloud sync from the Calendar iCloud sync.

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