The rMBP dropped the infrared receiver making Apple Remote useless with it. It's a shame, since Airplay + Apple TV + Apple Remote would have worked as a perfect combo.

So, while playing a movie with Quicktime / VLC and streaming it to the TV, how can I control the playing (pause, skip, rewind...) remotely? Is the iPhone or an iPad of any help? Is there any remote-control app?

3 Answers 3


Are you trying to remote control the Apple TV? Or are you trying to remote control the MacBook Pro? (both will work!)

There's the Remote app (by Apple, not affiliated) which can control the Apple TV, and there are probably lots of 'VLC Remote' apps if you are trying to control VLC itself.

  • VLC Remote Free for iOS here
  • VLC Remote (paid) for iOS here

These work directly with the VLC client and allow for the full control experience - media selection, play, pause, rewind, forward etc.


The remote app for iPhone will let you control any Mac or PC running iTunes. Remember, though, it controls iTunes, not the whole Mac. There is also a Keynote Remote app that will supposedly let you remote control that app, but I've not tried it, though.


Check out Rowmote, Hippo Remote. They will let you control any mac and application for media purposes or just for using a wireless keyboard and mouse from your iOS device.

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