I have a Mac Mini with a few external drives connected that I use as a home server. Normally the Eject buttons next to the drive icon are really handy as they let me eject an external drive very easily (compared to Windows for instance).
However on a Mac server, this comes as a detriment. I have some pretty mission critical stuff on external drives and there's a lot of scripts etc. I have set up that are dependent on those drives being there. Being able to so easily accidentally eject those drives makes me rather uneasy.
So far I've just chosen to not show them in the Finder sidebar, that way at least they're a bit harder to eject. However that isn't very ideal because: (1) I need to go to my Mac in the sidebar to access the drives rather than have the drives accessible directly and (2) the eject buttons still show in open/save dialogue boxes for those drives.
Ideally, I'd like a way for them to behave the way internal drives do: no option to easily eject from the finder, but still possible to unmount through disk utility.