Is there a way to add (or even enable) a FM tuner for the iPod Touch? The only thing stopping me from getting one is the missing FM tuner. By the way, I need the FM tuner to listen to TV shows at the gym (they transmit the sound through a FM transmitter). So I cannot replace the FM tuner by Pandora.
1 Answer
I don't know for sure whether the fourth generation iPod actually has a built in FM Tuner. However, external FM Tuner adapters are quite prevalent.
Edit: Whoops, sorry about that, I did link the wrong item. Chops is correct, that was a transmitter. The link now points to the original item I had intended to link.
1The current crop of iPod touches don't support an inbuilt receiver (although they physically have all the necessary chipsets to do that, it's been disabled by Apple). Just beware, it's a tuner/receiver that's being asked, not a transmitter. There are also available on the market, best to check what works best with the latest Touches - something like this: Commented Dec 20, 2010 at 23:09