I prefer to use the Gmail app over the standard Mail app on my iPad for reading my personal Gmail (I delete a lot of mails, newsletters, etc., after reading and this is one tap in Gmail and several in Mail).
I have them set up so my personal Gmail uses the Gmail app and my work email is set up to use the standard Mail app. This all works fine except for one problem. If I'm in Gmail or Mail and send an email it sends from the relevant email address as expected. My problem is that when I share something via email from Safari or another app it sends from the email address configured in Settings for Mail (the work one) and I would prefer to do such sharing from my personal email address.
Does anyone know if there is a way to achieve this? I could switch the addresses to use the other app but as I never delete work email and delete personal mail at least 50% of the time, the behaviour of the apps is perfect the way I have them set up; if only I could solve that one little problem of controlling where shared items are sent from.
I am using an iPad 2 with iOS 5.1 should that be relevant.