I'm a frequent terminal user. I started Terminal
when I got this machine, and it's been running ever since. I always have 8-10 tabs open, and I'd like to get more organized - meaning that I'd like to have permanent tab titles. Permanent tab titles will help me keep all related Terminal
activities located under the same tab; e.g. a tab where I stay logged in to an SSH connection to my NAS; another tab for doing git
activity on a local repo, etc, etc.
That has been my quest for a few weeks, but I'm no closer now than I was when I started! I've read several Q&A here (1, 2, 3) & on other SE sites. I've searched, and read - but mostly the things I read either flatly do not work at all, or they work only temporarily. I'm sure I must be missing something fundamental, but I've been unable to work out what that is.
For example, this frequently upvoted answer advises that I should be able to set the terminal tab name from the command line as follows:
% echo -en "\033]1; New Name \007"
# -- OR --
% printf '\e]1;%s\a' 'New Name'
I've tried both of these - multiple times - and it does nothing! I'll also say there are several things in this answer that I do not follow at all.
I've followed this Apple User Guide for Terminal
. It advises starting the "Inspector" to change the Title and/or Tab. It actually does change the Title and Tab - but they revert to "something else" as soon as anything is typed at the command line in the tab. I fail to see what possible use that is to anyone?
If it makes any difference, I am using the pure
zsh prompt.
What am I missing? Is there some way by which I can set a Tab Title that remains constant over repeated usage, re-starts, etc?