Its high bandwidth behavior is well-known, but blocking traffic without letting it download anything makes it spin with 120% CPU, and force quitting the app causes it to restart, repeatedly.

  • launchctl hasn't worked. killall doesn't work, since the process comes back.
  • Proposed solutions online are largely: unblock idleassetsd traffic, let it download a wallpaper, and then it'll stop spinning up This is ludicrous.
    • Assets are downloaded somewhere under /System/Library/AssetsV2, so it's possible some data/config is stored there that causes idleassetsd to restart.

What is causing idleassetsd to restart? And now it seems to be starting symptomsd on a regular basis, which is another 50% CPU? How do I stop these?

  • Also terrible solution: watch sudo killall idleassetsd, with watch installed from homebrew. It seems to restart once every ~10 seconds, with a corresponding spike in CPU usage Commented Aug 26 at 15:32

1 Answer 1


I found a way to stop this, but it's entirely unclear what any side effects might be:

cd "/Library/Application Support/com.apple.idleassetsd"
sudo rm [everything]

(Inspired by a script I saw to delete large files in that directory: sudo find "$IDLEASSETSD" -size +5M -delete.)

Note that if you open the Settings app afterwards, it'll re-create Aerial.sqlite.

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