I have English and Chinese keyboards on my iPhone.

There is a Chinese handwriting keyboard and a Chinese pinyin keyboard. When I press the globe icon to change keyboards, normally it cycles between English and pinyin because those are the keyboards I use the most. But sometimes it also selects the handwriting keyboard, which is never my intention.

The handwriting keyboard is useful to me sometimes, if I want to use it I would like to have to long-hold the keyboard change button and then select it from the list. I want tapping on that button to only ever toggle pinyin vs English keyboards.

How can I easily switch between pinyin and English 100% of the time, and never get trapped in a cycle including the handwriting keyboard?

1 Answer 1


When you tap once on the Globe key, you essentially switch to the previously selected Language.

So let's say for your example you usually switch between English and Pinyin. This means that whenever you tap on the Globe key, you will always toggle between these two options.

However, if you accidentally tap twice on the Globe key, you will switch to your third language, which is the Chinese handwriting keyboard.

Also, once the Chinese handwriting language ( third one ) is selected, when you toggle the Globe key again it will toggle between: Chinese handwriting and the last language you used before that.


  1. You switch to Chinese handwriting.
  2. Press the Globe key one time.
  3. You will be returned back to the previously used language ( either Pinyin or English )

If you want to go back to switching between Pinyin and English, you can easily do that by tapping the Globe key two times.

  • Can I make it so that double-tapping the Globe key will select the current keyboard instead of handwriting?
    – minseong
    Commented Aug 5 at 17:07

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