An issue I noticed is that there is a funny cursor locator blinker when using TextEdit app in the new Sonoma MacOS version.

Stupid New Apple Cursor in TextEdit

It is now an orangey colour and slightly wider. Awful aesthetics. How do I change it all back the way it was???

  • 2
    Which 'new Sonoma macOS version' are you referring to, 14.1, 14.2, etc? A good practice is to explicitly state which version you refer to, as future readers are unlikely to go to the trouble of cross-referencing your post-date to release dates. Please update your question. Commented May 18 at 12:50

2 Answers 2


It's the AppleAccentColor of the app. You can override it on a per-app basis as described in Is there a way to set macOS' accent color on a per-app basis?.

Or just disable the macOS Sonoma new insertion point altogether with sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/FeatureFlags/Domain/UIKit.plist redesigned_text_cursor -dict-add Enabled -bool NO as described in Disable macOS Sonoma Text Insertion Point (Cursor) / Caps-lock Indicator.


It is set by Settings | Appearance | Highlight Color. Your perception of width difference is likely due to the change in colour.

I don't know whether this is a recent change, with no previous system to compare with, but the above is correct with macOS 14.5

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