The folders that are clearly in ~/Desktop, and used to show up on my actual desktop, don't any longer. The boot drive icon is still there. ls ~/Desktop shows my folders, and if I open one of those in the finder and cmd-click it's name, it shows that the parent is Desktop, so why aren't these folders showing up on the desktop??? This literally just started happening. I haven't changed anything. I do not use iCloud storage -- my iCloud storage is confirmed off for all options. I can still use the files on those folders if I get to them through navigating from the sidebar (because they were left there), but selecting the Desktop in the finder sidebar shows NO FILES?! WTF?! (I'm on Ventura 13.5.1 (22G90))
1 Answer
Here's solution:
cd ~/Desktop
chflags nohidden *
(You could do less than *, obviously.)
I ran into it here:
SetFile -a b Desktop
Then relaunch the Finder.