My macbook has three os at the same time: macOS, bootcamp win10, ubuntu. When booting, I choose os through rEFInd. After I removed ubuntu, I found that only windows and efi boot were left when booting. After entering the efi boot, the screen is grub. In order to restore macOS, I referred to the following methods: macOS partition startup Volume type FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF

After macOS was repaired, I found that win10 could not be accessed. the error is "NO BOOTABLE DEVICE - INSERT BOOT DISK AND PRESS ANY KEY" I guess it may be modified when adjusting disk type. gpt add -i 3 -b 244551680 -s 245682176 -t EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 disk0

Can anyone help? thanks a lot.

macOS: 10.15.7 Catalina MacBook Pro 2013

sh-3.2# diskutil list
/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *251.0 GB   disk0
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
   2:                 Apple_APFS Container disk1         85.0 GB    disk0s2
   3:       Microsoft Basic Data BOOTCAMP                125.8 GB   disk0s3
sh-3.2# fdisk /dev/disk0
Disk: /dev/disk0    geometry: 30515/255/63 [490234752 sectors]
Signature: 0xAA55
         Starting       Ending
 #: id  cyl  hd sec -  cyl  hd sec [     start -       size]
 1: EE 1023 255  63 - 1023 255  63 [         1 -  490234751] <Unknown ID>
 2: 00    0   0   0 -    0   0   0 [         0 -          0] unused      
 3: 00    0   0   0 -    0   0   0 [         0 -          0] unused      
 4: 00    0   0   0 -    0   0   0 [         0 -          0] unused      
sh-3.2# gpt -vv -r show /dev/disk0
gpt show: /dev/disk0: mediasize=251000193024; sectorsize=512; blocks=490234752
gpt show: /dev/disk0: PMBR at sector 0
gpt show: /dev/disk0: Pri GPT at sector 1
gpt show: /dev/disk0: Sec GPT at sector 490234751
      start       size  index  contents
          0          1         PMBR
          1          1         Pri GPT header
          2         32         Pri GPT table
         34          6         
         40     409600      1  GPT part - C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B
     409640  166018024      2  GPT part - 7C3457EF-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
  166427664   78124016         
  244551680  245682176      3  GPT part - EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7
  490233856        863         
  490234719         32         Sec GPT table
  490234751          1         Sec GPT header
sh-3.2# dd if=/dev/rdisk0s3 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -C
00000000  eb 52 90 4e 54 46 53 20  20 20 20 00 02 08 00 00  |.R.NTFS    .....|
00000010  00 00 00 00 00 f8 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 90 93 0e  |................|
00000020  00 00 00 00 80 00 80 00  f3 69 92 0e 00 00 00 00  |.........i......|
00000030  04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ff 4c ea 00 00 00 00 00  |.........L......|
00000040  f6 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  f7 9f 46 02 12 ee f5 34  |..........F....4|
00000050  00 00 00 00 fa 33 c0 8e  d0 bc 00 7c fb 68 c0 07  |.....3.....|.h..|
00000060  1f 1e 68 66 00 cb 88 16  0e 00 66 81 3e 03 00 4e  |..hf......f.>..N|
00000070  54 46 53 75 15 b4 41 bb  aa 55 cd 13 72 0c 81 fb  |TFSu..A..U..r...|
00000080  55 aa 75 06 f7 c1 01 00  75 03 e9 dd 00 1e 83 ec  |U.u.....u.......|
00000090  18 68 1a 00 b4 48 8a 16  0e 00 8b f4 16 1f cd 13  |.h...H..........|
000000a0  9f 83 c4 18 9e 58 1f 72  e1 3b 06 0b 00 75 db a3  |.....X.r.;...u..|
000000b0  0f 00 c1 2e 0f 00 04 1e  5a 33 db b9 00 20 2b c8  |........Z3... +.|
000000c0  66 ff 06 11 00 03 16 0f  00 8e c2 ff 06 16 00 e8  |f...............|
000000d0  4b 00 2b c8 77 ef b8 00  bb cd 1a 66 23 c0 75 2d  |K.+.w......f#.u-|
000000e0  66 81 fb 54 43 50 41 75  24 81 f9 02 01 72 1e 16  |f..TCPAu$....r..|
000000f0  68 07 bb 16 68 52 11 16  68 09 00 66 53 66 53 66  |h...hR..h..fSfSf|
00000100  55 16 16 16 68 b8 01 66  61 0e 07 cd 1a 33 c0 bf  |U...h..fa....3..|
00000110  0a 13 b9 f6 0c fc f3 aa  e9 fe 01 90 90 66 60 1e  |.............f`.|
00000120  06 66 a1 11 00 66 03 06  1c 00 1e 66 68 00 00 00  |.f...f.....fh...|
00000130  00 66 50 06 53 68 01 00  68 10 00 b4 42 8a 16 0e  |.fP.Sh..h...B...|
00000140  00 16 1f 8b f4 cd 13 66  59 5b 5a 66 59 66 59 1f  |.......fY[ZfYfY.|
00000150  0f 82 16 00 66 ff 06 11  00 03 16 0f 00 8e c2 ff  |....f...........|
00000160  0e 16 00 75 bc 07 1f 66  61 c3 a1 f6 01 e8 09 00  |...u...fa.......|
00000170  a1 fa 01 e8 03 00 f4 eb  fd 8b f0 ac 3c 00 74 09  |............<.t.|
00000180  b4 0e bb 07 00 cd 10 eb  f2 c3 0d 0a 41 20 64 69  |............A di|
00000190  73 6b 20 72 65 61 64 20  65 72 72 6f 72 20 6f 63  |sk read error oc|
000001a0  63 75 72 72 65 64 00 0d  0a 42 4f 4f 54 4d 47 52  |curred...BOOTMGR|
000001b0  20 69 73 20 63 6f 6d 70  72 65 73 73 65 64 00 0d  | is compressed..|
000001c0  0a 50 72 65 73 73 20 43  74 72 6c 2b 41 6c 74 2b  |.Press Ctrl+Alt+|
000001d0  44 65 6c 20 74 6f 20 72  65 73 74 61 72 74 0d 0a  |Del to restart..|
000001e0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
000001f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 8a 01  a7 01 bf 01 00 00 55 aa  |..............U.|
sh-3.2# pwd
sh-3.2# ls -lgt BCD*
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 wheel  32768 11 17 23:50 BCD
prwxr-xr-x@ 1 wheel      0  9 30  2022 BCD.LOG1
prwxr-xr-x@ 1 wheel      0  9 30  2022 BCD.LOG2
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 wheel  32768  9 30  2022 BCD.LOG

ubuntu 40G is deleted and not asigned

  • What does the output from the command ls /Volumes/BOOTCAMP/boot/bcd? Commented Nov 18, 2023 at 8:47
  • @DavidAnderson output as above
    – whaleboss
    Commented Nov 18, 2023 at 9:52

1 Answer 1


You can try the following command while booted to macOS Recovery.

fdisk -e /dev/disk0

The command is interactive. You should input the following.

edit 1
edit 2
flag 2


If you see the following display when booting Windows, then you should rebuild the BCD file.

enter image description here

The steps to rebuild the BCD file are given below.

  1. Use the Boot Camp Assistant to create a Windows 10 install disk. This should be a flash drive. Do not remove the existing Windows 10 installation.

    enter image description here

  2. Boot from the flash drive and proceed until you reach the following display. (You need to reach this point in order for the Windows drivers to automatically load.)

    enter image description here

  3. Press shift+F10 to open a Command Prompt window.

  4. Enter the following commands. When bootrec prompts for input, enter a.

    attrib -h -s c:\boot\bcd
    del c:\boot\bcd
    bootrec /rebuildbcd
    attrib +h +s c:\boot\bcd
  5. Restart the Mac and boot Windows from the internal drive.


  • I finished entering these commands. Now there is a blue screen. title is Recovery and error code is "0xc000000e". Is this the right step? Any suggestions for next steps? thanks a lot.
    – whaleboss
    Commented Nov 19, 2023 at 14:53
  • Despite your best efforts, there was not enough information given in your question to post an exact compete answer. The procedure, in the answer you linked to, destroyed the information I usually use to fix your type of problem. Based on your comment, you should proceed using my updated answer. Commented Nov 19, 2023 at 19:20

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