Trying to make sense of those figures is like trying to knit fog.
The Mac's memory management is a) very good & b) like voodoo ;)
If you had less RAM, it would use less RAM. The more you have, the more it will use before it recycles some to be more readily available.
Having said that, we have one low RAM Mac in the building -M1 iMac with only 16GB [maximum available at the time] & it's quite easy to start to choke it if you have a couple of memory-intensive apps running. It needs more frequent reboots than all the other Macs combined [which have between 32 & 64GB.]
At the moment this is all green, which is fine. If it hits amber, we reboot it. Quitting the big users helps [usually Photoshop is top user but not running at the moment], but a reboot is a better overall refresh.