The drive mounts as PlexMedia_1 at 18TB. I have another drive that mounts as PlexMedia_2 that is 6TB. I am unclear why the Name field is populated with PlexMedia_2 and not sure how to correct that.
/dev/disk9 (external, physical):
0: GUID_partition_scheme *6.0 TB disk9
1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk9s1
2: Apple_HFS PlexMedia_2 6.0 TB disk9s2
/dev/disk11 (external, physical):
0: GUID_partition_scheme *18.0 TB disk11
1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk11s1
2: Apple_CoreStorage PlexMedia_2 18.0 TB disk11s2
3: Apple_Boot Boot OS X 134.2 MB disk11s3
/dev/disk15 (external, virtual):
0: Apple_HFS PlexMedia_1 +18.0 TB disk15
Logical Volume on disk11s2
Unlocked Encrypted
Anyway, I want to remove encryption from this drive. I found this command but it fails
john@Mac-mini ~ % diskutil corestorage revert 4AD9490F-9214-4443-BCA5-B1899D46E838 -stdinpassphrase
diskutil: did not recognize coreStorage verb "revert"; type "diskutil coreStorage" for a list
The man page says that coreStorage
commands are deprecated. To use apfs
commands but this is not an APFS formatted HDD.
It's not APFS so diskutil apfs
commands failed.
john@Mac-mini ~ % diskutil apfs decryptVolume /Volumes/PlexMedia_1 -stdinpassphrase
disk15 is not an APFS Volume
john@Mac-mini ~ % diskutil apfs decryptVolume /Volumes/PlexMedia_2 -stdinpassphrase
disk9s2 is not an APFS Volume
+-- Logical Volume Group 4AD9490F-9214-4443-BCA5-B1899D46E838
Name: PlexMedia_2
Status: Online
Size: 17999863963648 B (18.0 TB)
Free Space: 0 B (0 B)
+-< Physical Volume 620D5ED2-290F-44E6-ACE9-91EEF790F0CF
| ----------------------------------------------------
| Index: 0
| Disk: disk11s2
| Status: Online
| Size: 17999863963648 B (18.0 TB)
+-> Logical Volume Family 650EA5C9-56B9-4220-A956-19338567C05E
Encryption Type: AES-XTS
Encryption Status: Unlocked
Conversion Status: Complete
High Level Queries: Fully Secure
| Passphrase Required
| Accepts New Users
| Has Visible Users
| Has Volume Key
+-> Logical Volume 3AE5D9ED-9930-4207-82B1-2D912E3B94E6
Disk: disk15
Status: Online
Size (Total): 17999511638016 B (18.0 TB)
Revertible: No
LV Name: PlexMedia_1
Volume Name: PlexMedia_1
Content Hint: Apple_HFS