MacBook Pro. The built-in display has two desktops and I also have connected to an external monitor with one desktop.

Dragging between monitors works as expected. The external monitor is "above" the built-in one, so that is dragging up or down. Using the three-finger up-swipe to invoke Mission Control works as expected, moving windows either within or across monitors.

However, I seem to have lost the ability to drag a window to the left or right edge of a desktop on the built-in display to switch it to the other desktop. Why? Is this doable with some setting I missed?

The window manager Rectangle offers keyboard shortcuts to move from one monitor to another, but it, too, doesn't seem to have Move to another desktop on this monitor.

  • Is it working as expected if you disconnect from the external monitor?
    – Thinkr
    Commented Oct 1, 2023 at 13:18
  • 1
    Good experiment. YES. Commented Oct 2, 2023 at 3:54


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