Lion introduced the new "Double-tap with three fingers" to Look up, which pops up a small definition of whatever word you double-tap. Is there any way to invoke look up without the trackpad? For example, if I'm on a desktop Mac (with a normal mouse) is there any way to quickly look up a word by using this same look up feature?
@jaberg: The only problem I have with that title is that I specifically want to use the "Look up" feature of Lion, rather than the "Look Up in Dictionary" service which was available in many versions of OS X.– SensefulCommented Mar 28, 2012 at 17:45
1You're always free to roll back an edit. FWIW, the keyboard shortcut worked pre-Lion and this feature is a new look applied to an old friend. Cheers!– jabergCommented Mar 28, 2012 at 17:51
@jaberg: I still see the old feature available in Lion though, which is what could make it confusing. I agree that the original title looked awkward, I just can't think of a good way to phrase it.– SensefulCommented Mar 28, 2012 at 17:52
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2 Answers
From this:
For years, Mac OS X has had a great shortcut for getting a quick definition of a word: Simply hover the cursor over the word, and press the keyboard shortcut Command-Control-D to bring up a little Dictionary popup. This still works in Lion, but it’s now much more fully featured and also has a great new way to access it.
Your looking for Cmd+Ctrl+D
PS: Thanks for asking, it actually made me look and learn something new
It works in all Apps that use the system text APIs. Firefox apparently doesn't.– jabergCommented Mar 29, 2012 at 6:56