I have a MacBook Pro M1 Pro with notch. The menu bar setting is set to never automatically hide in full screen or on desktop. This works great for 90% of the time, I like to have the menu bar always there, along with a notch, taking advantage of the extra screen real estate (safari, premiere, etc).

But in rare cases, such as IINA (media player), I want to have the menu bar hidden during full screen. Is there a way to change the menu bar hide behaviour for select apps?

1 Answer 1


Visibility of the menu bar in full screen is controlled with the AppleMenuBarVisibleInFullscreen preference. This is set globally in System Preferences but can be set on specific apps too using defaults.

  • Set the global setting:
    defaults write -g AppleMenuBarVisibleInFullscreen -bool true
  • Override the global for one app:
    defaults write bundle.identifier AppleMenuBarVisibleInFullscreen -bool true
  • Remove the override, falling back to the global:
    defaults delete bundle.identifier AppleMenuBarVisibleInFullscreen


  • bundle.identifier is the Bundle Identifier of a specific app, e.g. the IINA video player is com.colliderli.iina,
  • true is true or false for the menu bar to be visible in full screen.
  • Thank you so much!
    – Ray Wu
    Commented Jul 15, 2023 at 0:02

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