Back in 2020, when I updated my 2017 iMac to Catalina, I found that the Samba shares on an old Linux box (the same one that was our original automated backup controller) wouldn't mount because Catalina had removed support for that version of Samba. My SMB shares won't mount under Catalina! What's wrong?
Now that I've got the backup controller running on an old Mini, I've revisited the situation. I'm using the Catalina iMac, rather than my new Ventura Mini, as a Guinea pig for this, and I find that after adjusting the Applescript that automatically runs at sign-on to point to the correct IP address (and adding a third SMB/AFP share to the script, it always asks me for user-ID and password, and which directory to connect to, in spite of the fact that all that is explicitly specified in the script. The script entries are of the form:
open location "smb://uuuuuuuu:[email protected]/dddddddd"
end try
where uuuuuuuu is my user-ID, and pppppppp is my password, on the box hosting the SMB share, at local IP address, and name dddddddd.
Does anybody know what's wrong now? Or if there's an easier way to automatically connect to specific SMB/AFP shares on login?
mount -t //user:pass@host/share /Volumes/Mount_Point
. Be sure to create the mount point first with the commandsudo mkdir /Volumes/mount_point_
. Let me know what your results are.mount -t smbfs ….
mount_smbfs: server rejected the connection: Authentication error mount: /Volumes/Shared failed with 77