Since updating to MacOS Ventura, I cannot find any way to disable some keyboard shortcuts. The 'move window' shortcuts appear to work now but I cannot find where to modify or disable these in the Settings. I have followed all online instructions to get to the new location of they keyboard shortcuts but cannot find these listed.

These shortcuts conflict with many other common shortcuts in other applications and any help will be appreciated.

Below are the keyboard shortcuts and screenshots of the settings where I would expect to see these.

Shortcut 1 - Move window down

Option (or Alt) + Control (or Ctrl) + Down

This behaves exactly the same as 'Move Window to Left side of screen' but it moves it down, so that the window takes up the bottom half of the screen.

Shortcut 2 - Move window Up

Similar to above but it moves the window to the top half of the screen.

Option (or Alt) + Control (or Ctrl) + Up

Keyboard shortcut

  • Did you manage to resolve this?
    – Norgul
    Commented Sep 1, 2023 at 9:32
  • No, I just can't use some shortcuts anymore which is very frustrating. Commented Sep 2, 2023 at 21:12

1 Answer 1


In keyboard shortcuts section (System Settings -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts... -> App Shortcuts) you have to add a new shortcut to override the default. You need to enter the full path such as "Window->Move & Resize->Top"

enter image description here

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