I tried all the solutions mentioned in the below links but the MacPorts group is still there:
➜ ~ dscacheutil -q group | grep "macports"
users: root myusernameeee macports _nsurlstoraged _serialnumberd
The only remaining thing from MacPorts is the group. there is no user as MacPorts anymore after running delete commands.
I have tried these:
- How to delete MacPorts user after using the Migration Assistant
- https://guide.macports.org/chunked/installing.macports.uninstalling.html
- I tried to reinstall MacPorts and then uninstall it again but didn't help.
- I migrated from an Intel MacOS to a Silicon MacOS and MacPorts had created during that process; I had not installed MacPorts before migration.
- Both OSs before migration had the same OS version: Ventura 13.2.1
- During the migration process, when Migration Assistant said you could give a password to your own user or I create a temporary user, I set a password for my own user
- I didn't give admin privileges to the temporary user (there was a button in front of the temporary user to give that permission)
- As I had not installed MacPorts by myself before migration, there was on MacPorts application; so,
sudo port -fp uninstall installed
resultedport: command not found
- MacPorts user is not at the login screen and Settings->Users&Groups.
- Running
sudo ls /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users
➜ ~ dscl . list /Users | grep -v '^_'
➜ ~ /usr/bin/dscl . -search /Users name macports
➜ ~
sudo ls /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users
_jabber.plist _www.plist
_kadmin_admin.plist _wwwproxy.plist
_kadmin_changepw.plist _xserverdocs.plist
_knowledgegraphd.plist daemon.plist
_krb_anonymous.plist myusernameeee.plist
_krb_changepw.plist nobody.plist
_krb_kadmin.plist prey.plist
_krb_kerberos.plist root.plist
➜ ~ sudo /usr/bin/dscl . -delete "/Groups/macports"
delete: Invalid Path
<dscl_cmd> DS Error: -14009 (eDSUnknownNodeName)
➜ ~ dscacheutil -q group | grep "macports"
users: root myusernameeee macports _nsurlstoraged _serialnumberd
➜ ~ sudo find /Volumes/External -user macports
find: -user: macports: no such user
➜ ~ sudo find ~ -user macports
find: -user: macports: no such user
dscacheutil -q group
->name: staff password: * gid: 20 users: root myusernameeee macports _nsurlstoraged _serialnumberd
. Whether it is a group or a user, how to delete it? Cause I do not have it in login scree, or Settings User&Group eithermacports
belonging to groupstaff
). Please follow the steps in the accepted answer there to remove the user.