One of the things MacOS simply doesn't seem to do is easily show size and free space on disk drives. It shows size in Finder if you go to your computer:

enter image description here

But it does not show the disk size or free space, only the amount it's using - no way to easily see (unlike Windows) how full a disk is.

I have enabled Status Bar but in my image above you can see it doesn't show me anything useful. Isn't it supposed to?

I know I can select an item and preview by pressing Space which is... OK. And I can show Info in another window but that's quite clunky. What I really want is to see "at a glance" the size and 'fullness' of all my drives at once.

Is this simply not possible?

1 Answer 1


The problem is List View, where you are "in" the top hierarchy shown, regardless of what is selected and how far you drill down.

If you double-click on "Macintosh HD", then you will be 'in' the internal system volume, and you will see the free space shown in the status bar.

enter image description here

The same behaviour occurs in Icon View, where it makes more sense, as you only see one level at a time.

If you choose Column View then the problem does not appear. Simply selecting the volume there will show you the free space.

enter image description here

If you want to see info for all your drives at once, then in Ventura, go to System Settings > General > Storage > All Volumes. (In earlier versions, it was under "About This Mac".)

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