Thanks to @user3439894's response to this post: Create a new space using a keyboard shortcut in macOS Big Sur, and because my System language is French, I use Keyboard Maestro and the following Applescript to create 4 new Spaces when launching an app ↓

do shell script "open -b 'com.apple.exposelauncher'"
delay 0.5
tell application id "com.apple.systemevents"
    tell (every application process ¬
        whose bundle identifier = "com.apple.dock") to ¬
        repeat 4 times
            click (button 1 of group 2 of group 1 of group 1)
        end repeat
    delay 0.5
    key code 53 -- esc key
end tell

It works perfectly, and now I'd like to do the opposite: Remove these Spaces when I leave the app.

Unfortunately, I'm too new to this universe to understand what went wrong with the codes I tested here and there… Especially since I think I'm only finding answers that are outdated or don't fit my System language. So I hope I've shared enough info that you can help me, thanks in advance :)


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