I've been using Typora as a Markdown editor when it was free (during beta), but now it's pay for use and I want to find an equivalent, free (preferably open source) tool.

My requirements:

  • free (preferably open source)
  • rather than a separate editing and preview pane, I want the editing to happen in the same pane in which the Markdown code is rendered, i.e., WYSIWYG. This is what Typora does
  • support for drawing tables, bulleted/numbered lists, code fences, import images, etc. Basically, the same features as the post editor on Stack Exchange, but WYSIWYG instead of separate editing/preview panes
  • rendering of math formulas
  • runs on Monterey

Research: I googled around a bit and I found the following;

  • Mou app seemed to have been widely recommended in the past, but it's not being developed anymore (and anyway it cannot be downloaded, since the site is down)
  • MacDown is active, but it has separated editing and rendering panes
  • similarly for VS Code
  • You mean you don't want to have to pay for it, not that it's free. Commented Nov 25, 2022 at 22:06

1 Answer 1


Marktext, a open source markdown editor.


  • Realtime preview (WYSIWYG) and a clean and simple interface to get a distraction-free writing experience.
  • Support CommonMark Spec, GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec and selective support Pandoc markdown.
  • Markdown extensions such as math expressions (KaTeX), front matter and emojis.
  • Support paragraphs and inline style shortcuts to improve your writing efficiency.
  • Output HTML and PDF files.
  • Various themes: Cadmium Light, Material Dark etc.
  • Various editing modes: Source Code mode, Typewriter mode, Focus mode.
  • Paste images directly from clipboard.

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