I have started experiencing a strange problem. I have a MacBook Pro 14" 2021, and an LG UltraFine monitor that's connected to it through a thunderbolt cable. The monitor charges the computer. It also has a speaker, mic, camera, and USB ports. One of the ports is used to connect to LAN.
Everything used to work fine, but recently something happened. Once in a while, all these devices (camera, mic, USB) suddenly disconnect. The monitor still works OK and still charges the computer.
I don't even know how to start searching for a solution to this problem
I saw this thread but the solution proposed there (connecting another USB cable between the computer and the monitor) didn't work.
EDIT I started noticing a subtle hiss from the thunderbolt cable connector every time an image on display changed. This gave me a hint that the cable might be damaged. I bought a new cable, and everything worked OK for one day, but the problem came back.
Ten days later I tried to connect the computer to the monitor using a TB cable, and connecting it to the power via the MagSafe cable. It didn't solve the problem.