How to copy files into a directory by AppleScript? Convert bash to AppleScript.

Please convert the following bash commandline code into AppleScript.

cd /Volumes/B
cp f1.txt f2.txt drc

Similarly, convert the following bash commandline code into AppleScript.

cp /Volumes/B/f1.txt /Volumes/B/f2.txt /Volumes/B/drc

f1.txt and f2.txt are regular files. drc is is a directory. In the first code, the files and directory for cp are expressed as relative paths. In the second code, they are absolute paths. I am not sure whether AppleScript has the concepts of "current directory" and "relative path".

1 Answer 1


Regarding the 2nd question, this should work

(detailing the step to make it clearer; you could make a loop)

tell application "Finder"
    set f1 to "B:f1.txt" as alias
    set f2 to "B:f2.txt" as alias
    set destpath to "B:drc:" as text

    duplicate f1 to folder (destpath)
    duplicate f2 to folder (destpath)
end tell

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