I'd like to know whether the iTunes movie bundles get prorated similarly like App bundles:

e.g. I already own the The Shawshank Redemption, would I get priced the full price of The Shawshank Redemption / The Green Mile 2-Film (this is just a simple example, I'm asking because I have 3/9 movies from King of Horror: Expanded Edition 9 Film Collection and I'd like to complete that collection)

1 Answer 1


Movie bundles are not prorated for movies you have already bought.

I took the plunge and purchased the bundle containing a previously bought movie.

You get the dialog below, after payment confirmation, asking you if you'd like to proceed with full amount. The dialog says:

You have already purchased some of the items on this Movie Bundle. Are you sure you want to purchase the entire Movie Bundle?

purchase dialog

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