Think my issue may be related to this - MacBook stays connected to wifi but loses internet connection
For the last 24 hours, my Macbook Pro (16in M1 2022) connects to WiFi but has no internet connectivity after a few seconds - it works for about 10-15 seconds and then stops. No errors etc.
I did install Folx yesterday, but have since removed it, but issue persists, but only with my main WiFi - I can connect to my iPhone and that works and doesn't disconnect.
I've done restarts, removed the WiFi network, tried with different networks, I've tried to reinstall but can't due to drum roll no internet. The network is working fine with another Mac in the house, with iPhone, PS5 etc so there is connectivity. The network is a 5ghz network.
WiFi Diagnostics shows
- Review WiFi Best Practices
- DNS Resolution Failure (I have tried different DNS, same issue, and that same DNS works on the other Mac)
- Custom DNS Settings review (again, did this, and didn't work)