How to check if external hard drive is encrypted and type of encryption (128,256-bit)?
1 Answer
Apple encrypts disks with APFS currently and before that using Core Storage. You can get security information from the security white paper:
I believe macOS uses 256 key length across the board, but can’t find that from the command line yet.
Open the terminal if you prefer command line solutions - these two commands will dump all encrypted volumes:
diskutil apfs list
diskutil cs list
If you prefer a graphical tool, you can open the Disk Utility (use spotlight or open the Utilities folder within the Applications folder) to inspect each drive as you connect them.
I’ve edited this as best as I can find documented @Noz_Char I believe it’s 128 + 128 at the shortest key length for key plus cipher but can’t yet be certain.– bmike ♦Commented Nov 2, 2021 at 20:09
Thank you @bmike! Found this also:…– Noz_CharCommented Nov 2, 2021 at 21:26
diskutil info diskXsY