I am using Mac 10.13.6, my QuickTime is Version 10.4 (928.13).
I opened a .mov file in QuickTime, and then accidentally deleted it for good (using the Terminal). Fortunately, the opened window in QuickTime for that file is still available. I can play the file with sound, from start to finish.
I am wondering if it's possible to recover the file from QuickTime?
But when I try to save the window, duplicate it, export it etc., I'm always getting the following error:
The document can’t be saved because there is no such file.
If the file can still be played, it must still be available on the file-system somewhere.
The problem is, when I follow other Ask Different posts, and other blog posts and try to find my file from the following paths:
~/Library/Containers/com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX/Data/Library/Autosave Information/
$TMPDIR = /var/folders/05/rn0kgvkj6zbcgrnh4cyx8gyh0000gn/T/
~/Library/Containers/com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX/Data/Library/Saved Application State
I still cannot find my file. The folders are empty or my file is just not there.
Is there another temp file path I am missing out?