I have a MacBookPro from mid 2009 with OSX 10.11.6 El Capitan, and can't update the OS because of the "old" hardware, and can't access the App Store anymore, anyway; however, it does all I need. That said, one irritating thing that happens is when I invoke Textedit (v1.11) for anything, it opens every Textedit file it can find - is this a feature or a fault? (Note that I did call Apple Help about this a couple of years ago, and the "helper" hadn't even heard of Textedit, and her advice eventually led to having to recover from a backup, done without Apple's "help" - they denied responsibility for bad advice.)
1 Answer
By default, TextEdit (and other Apple apps) will re-open every document if you quit it without closing them first. My suspicion is that you've just quit the app without closing the documents every time, and this has built up.
You can close all the open documents by holding the Alt/Option key and clicking the red button in the top left corner of any one window. Or just use Option Command W to close every window.
benwiggy: I'm answering your query about App Store here because of char limits. Although I can browse App Store I can't download anything, in particular updates - 3rd party! When I try to download, I'm asked to signon: my Apple Id is ok, and it doesn't matter what I put for the pwd, when I hit Sign In in the dialogue, the dialogue box resizes, becomes blank except for the spinning (sparse) clock, and after a couple of seconds, the clock disappears from the dialogue and appears in the top row, and that's how the window stays, forever. I've tried pwd change but always return to blank dialogue.– jimaltonCommented Sep 3, 2021 at 13:14
osascript -e 'tell application "TextEdit" to close windows saving no'
3. Quit TextEdit and then reopen it. Do all the files open again?