I bought a brand new Samsung T7 SSD, and I used macOS's Disk Utility to format (erase) it in APFS(Encrypted), scheme: GUID Partition Map. Before erasing (brand new), "Used" space was 108,5 MB. After first erasing, "Used" space was 20 kb. Then I erased it again (same way as before - APFS(Encrypted, scheme: GUID Partition Map). After second erase "Used" space was 766 kb! Then I erased it as MacOS Extended(Journaled). After this 3rd erase "Used" space was 852 MB! Then I erased it back the same way as in 1st and 2nd erase -APFS(Encrypted, scheme: GUID Partition Map). After this 4th erase "Used" space went back to 766 kb. Then I erased it to exFat. And then back to APFS(Encrypted, scheme: GUID Partition Map). After this 5th and 6th erase "Used" space was to 725 kb. Then I ejected it and plugged in back to my MacBook and "Used" space was 750 kb. Then I ejected it and plugged in back to my MacBook one more time and "Used" space is now 762 kb.

What's going on??? After first such erase - APFS(Encrypted, scheme: GUID Partition Map) - it was just 20 kb.

And I can't go back to 20 kb again! What's going on? How can I go back to 20 kb of "Used" space? Please help!

P.S. After erasing it's showing in Disk Utility like this: enter image description here

But after I reopen Disk Utility, it shows like this again: enter image description here

Hidden files: enter image description here

  • Is there a reason that you really need that ~680 kB back, or are you just curious about what stuff is on your formatted drive? Commented Jul 31, 2021 at 14:45
  • I just wanted to make sure I've formatted it properly. And also want to know why this space is growing and how much more can it grow :D Basically, understand what's going on. Commented Jul 31, 2021 at 14:55

4 Answers 4


750 kB is so small, that this could easily be Spotlight indexing and other invisible files. Can you do Shift+Command+. in a Finder window of the empty disk to see hidden files? The original 20kB may have been a fluke before any of the files were added.

About the pictures, Disk Utility often doesn’t realize that the old partition has been deleted and shows 2 partitions that are each 2 TB (impossible). Restarting Disk Utility returns it to a normal state.


.Trashes, .Spotlight-V100, and .fseventsd folders are essential parts of the Mac filing system.

.Trashes is where files go when you send them to the Trash, unsurprisingly.

.Spotlight-V100 is the index for Spotlight. This will grow in size, as the files get more numerous.

.fseventd contains log files of system events on the disk.

I would not recommend deleting them -- and certainly not just to save KILObytes.


I had a similar issue! I solved it by connecting the SSD to my Android phone.

All the files that I deleted went to .Trashes folder apparently, which is not shown on Mac even after pressing Cmd+Shift+. for some reason.

I connected the SSD to my Android phone, and I found the deleted files in the .Trashes folder, I deleted it, and now it works perfectly.

Just make sure to choose the right folder before beginning the deletion process.

Photo of a Samsung SSD connected to an Android phone showing the files with the .Trashes folder highlighted

Photo of Android phone showing the 'Details' of the .Trashes folder being 166 GB, Last modified on June 6, 2022 12:05 AM containing 11304 files, 2805 folders

  • MacOS will expect (and indeed require) a .Trashes folder. I would not recommend deleting it.
    – benwiggy
    Commented Nov 13, 2023 at 7:53

There are hidden folders and files which can only be seen on PC .... - .DS, trashes, spotlight...

Format USB stick as exFat find PC and have look what 'empty' device looks like in MacOs

  • Can you please add some details about how this answers the question the OP asked?
    – nohillside
    Commented Nov 14, 2023 at 7:56

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