I have an LDAP server (OpenLDAP) running under Ubuntu 20.04 that I use for user authentication in my network, which consists of Linux servers and MacOS 11 clients. On my desktop, which runs MacOS 11.1, I can use Directory Utility to access the LDAP database without any problems.

I have a MacMini that I upgraded last week to MacOS 11.2. When I try to use Directory Utility on that machine, I get the error "Connection failed to the directory server (2100)" as soon as I select the LDAP server (as "/LDAPv3/servername") and before any prompt for username and password.

There is a known problem with logging in to remote LDAP servers that can be resolved by executing the following script:

#! /bin/bash

for f in /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations/LDAPv3/*
  LDAP_SERVER=`/usr/bin/basename $f ".plist"`

  SASL_MECHANISMS="`/usr/bin/ldapsearch -x -h $LDAP_SERVER -b '' -s base -LLL "(objectclass=*)" supportedSASLMechanisms | awk '{if($2 != "") printf "%s ",$2}'`"

  /usr/bin/odutil set configuration /LDAPv3/$LDAP_SERVER  module ldap option "Denied SASL Methods" $SASL_MECHANISMS


I have executed this on both the desktop and the MacMini. So it seems that I have a different problem.

I looked at the log file of the LDAP server to see what happened when I selected /LDAPv3/servername and got the following:

Feb  7 01:42:17 s-tow-00 slapd[65708]: conn=1266 fd=16 ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
Feb  7 01:42:17 s-tow-00 slapd[65708]: conn=1266 fd=16 closed (connection lost)

Feb  7 01:42:28 s-tow-00 slapd[65708]: conn=1267 fd=16 ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
Feb  7 01:42:28 s-tow-00 slapd[65708]: conn=1267 fd=16 closed (connection lost)
Feb  7 01:42:28 s-tow-00 slapd[65708]: conn=1268 fd=16 ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
Feb  7 01:42:28 s-tow-00 slapd[65708]: conn=1268 op=0 SRCH base="" scope=0 deref=0 filter="(objectClass=*)"
Feb  7 01:42:28 s-tow-00 slapd[65708]: conn=1268 op=0 SRCH attr=supportedSASLMechanisms defaultNamingContext namingContexts schemaNamingContext saslRealm
Feb  7 01:42:28 s-tow-00 slapd[65708]: conn=1268 op=0 ENTRY dn=""
Feb  7 01:42:28 s-tow-00 slapd[65708]: conn=1268 op=0 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=

The MacMini (conn=1266, IP= returns immediately, whereas the desktop (1267, 1268, proceeds to initiate a query.

I looked at the files in /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations/LDAPv3 on both machines to see if there was any difference there. Both contain entries for my LDAP servers (let's call them server1 and server2). On the desktop, their permissions were 0644, whereas on the MacMini they were 0600. I cannot change the permissions with chmod (thank you, SIP), so I started Directory Utility with sudo, but the problem still persisted, so I conclude that it has nothing to do with permissions.

I then experimented with dscl in interactive mode. On the desktop I got the following:

> ls /LDAPv3/server1

whereas all the MacMini could manage was

> ls /LDAPv3/server1
ls: Invalid Path
<dscl_cmd> DS Error: -14009 (eDSUnknownNodeName)

I'm at a bit of a loss knowing how to proceed. I thought about exporting the configuration from the desktop using Directory Utility's "Write to Server" and then importing it on the MacMini, but I get "Operation is not supported by the directory node.", which I guess means that I have configured something incorrectly. I can "Save Template...", but the directory that I was told was intended for templates (~/Library/Application Support/Directory Access/LDAPv3/Templates) is stubbornly ignored on the MacMini.

Does anyone have any suggestions, please, as to how to proceed?


  • I have no answer to the differences of behaviour mentioned above. However, my MacMini is behaving strangely in other respects too, and I believe it is time to reinstall the operating system. Commented Feb 11, 2021 at 17:12
  • However, I have found out some background information that has enabled me to access LDAP correctly from the MacMini. I will present this in a sort of answer below. Commented Feb 11, 2021 at 17:14

1 Answer 1


I learnt the following whilst fixing this problem. Perhaps it will help someone else in the future.

A MacOS LDAP client configured with Directory Utility stores the configuration data for LDAP servers that it knows about in /Library/Preferences/OpenDirectory/Configurations/LDAPv3 in plists named <servername>.plist. These files can be manipulated with odutil (see man odutil).

Directory Utility can be used to upload those plists from the local file system or from the LDAP server itself.

To access the plist from the local file system, copy it to ~/Library/Application Support/Directory Access/LDAPv3/Templates and ensure that it is called <anything>.plist (i.e. it must have the filetype .plist). After that has been done, if you edit the server data in Directory Utility under the 'Search & Mappings' tab, in the drop-down labelled 'Access this LDAPv3 server using' you will see the text '<anything>' from the filename of the plist. If you select this, the settings from your plist will be applied to the client.

Similarly, it is possible to create an entry in the LDAP server itself that contains exactly the same text and use that instead. The following shows what I see in ldapvi when I look at the entry I created:

13 ou=macosxodconfig,<local RDN>,<LDAP base DN>
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: macosxodconfig
description:; <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">\
<plist version="1.0">\
    ...the rest of the plist comes here ...

Note: everything from the ";" to the end of the definition is the contents of our plist - without the "\"s, which are an artefact of ldapvi. How you get the plist into your server is up to you: I use Apache Directory Studio. The only apparent restriction is that the entry must be an organizationalUnit called ou=macosxodconfig. After that has been done, if you edit the server data in Directory Utility under the 'Search & Mappings' tab, in the drop-down labelled 'Access this LDAPv3 server using' you will see the option 'From Server'. If you select this, you will be prompted for a search base (I suggest you choose '<local RDN>,<LDAP base DN>', replacing the stuff in angle brackets with something that makes sense on your context. The settings from your plist will then be applied to your client.

Just in case you forgot, you have to tell MacOS that your are using an LDAP server. You do this in System Preferences -> 'Users & Groups' -> 'Login Options': to the right you will see the label 'Network Account Server' with an 'Edit...' button next to it. Authenticate yourself by clicking on the lock at the bottom of the window, click on the 'Edit...' button and add your server(s) to the list here.

You may also need to go back to Directory Utility and add your LDAP server(s) to its 'Search Policy' (tab on the home window).


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