I run Spotify on wifi network "Production Internet". As the name implies, that network has internet access.

I'd also like to run Audiofusion SoundCaster over a separate hardwired network that doesn't have internet access. Well, actually the iMac would be hardwired to a different wifi router with no internet access. So the SoundCaster traffic eventually goes over a wifi network called "Monitors". "Monitors" doesn't have internet access, though. It only carries SoundCaster traffic between iPhones and the iMac.

I don't want SoundCaster traffic going over "Production Internet". How can I force all SoundCaster traffic to go to the hardwired connection so it is sent to the wifi router for "Monitors"?

Thanks for your help.

1 Answer 1


Well, I got a great answer from the Audiofusion team. It resolves my specific situation.

Per Audiofusion:

SoundCaster will only send audio over the Ethernet connection. Just make sure the WiFi connection is listed first and the Ethernet connection is listed second in your Network Preferences.


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