I work as a developer and exclusively use the keyboard for text selection and navigation. I have to switch between windows and OSX a lot.
Is there any way to make
- the OSX keyboard behave like windows
or - the windows keyboard behave like OSX
particularly when it comes to text editing?
The differences hurt my productivity, because whenever I switch platform, my muscle memory kicks in and will use the wrong combinations on the other OS, which will lead to a wrong caret position at best, or - depending on the program - switched inapp-windows and/or other very undesired behavior which takes even more time to correct at worst.
I would prefer Version 1, because - while i can train my brain to swap, i am used to it more and also the windows-behavior seems "more" standard to me, since it is used on mainstream Linux Desktops as well.
Text editing keyboard shortcuts:
move to the start / end of a line:
Windows: pos1
/ end
OSX: ctrl
/ ctrl
move to the start / end of the document
Windows: ctrl
/ ctrl
OSX: pos1
/ end
move to the start / end of the current word
Windows: ctrl
/ ctrl
OSX: alt
/ alt
(I am happy that the added shift key behaves consistently across platforms, performing selection instead of mere caret navigation)
Bonus question: other keyboard shortcuts:
I already swapped the Command-key with control globally in osx keyboard settings,
to make behavior a bit more consistent (i.e, ctrl
to save instead of command
However when it comes to navigation between application, this breaks down, because:
Next/previous tab within an application
Windows: ctrl
/ ctrl
OSX: ctrl
/ ctrl
Also it does not solve
Next Application
Windows: alt
OSX: command
A solution that also covers this would be even better :)