I'm writing a document about 100 pages with MS Office 2011 for Mac. While I'm editing the content, Word would halt almost every minutes with "Word is finishing analyzing your document" message and a running progress bar.
At first it's only a short pause; however, as the document gets larger, the halt time gets longer too. Now it would take about 10 seconds to finish each "analyzing", and while Word is "analyzing" any operation is not accepted, until the progress bar runs to the end. And that's driving me crazy.
I've done the search and I know that problem existed since 2004. But all this year it seemed not to be fixed with some consistent method.
I'm using a Apple Mac OS X version of Office, and I don't have any pieces of software from Adobe installed. No PDFMaker, no PDFWriter, no PDF{anything}, no Acrobat, no Acrobat Reader, no CS, even Flash is manually removed.
The "Add-Ins" folder inside Office folder is empty -- I've just ensured that with "sudo rm -Rf *" terminal command under that directory.
The "Startup/Word" folder is also empty, too.
There is no such template called PDFmaker.dot or PDF{anything} in the template tree: I've check them all.
Auto spell check is off. Auto grammar check is off, Auto correction is off. Auto saving is off.
The only thing I've suspected now, is Auto-Text. That document is a technical spec and it's filled with figure captions, table captions, foot-notes, and cross-references. That message would almost surely show up when I'm performing adding something in the middle of document that will push some content to the next page. But I can't find a way to turn-off the auto-update of Auto-Text.
Any idea would be appreciated -- but please focus on MS Office. That's my job and I've to be "compatible" with others.