Basically what I am trying to achieve is the following:
- Create an alias list of any amount of folders with the Finder's selection.
- Get all images from those folders with a shell script.
- Randomize those images.
- Open the randomized images in the Preview application.
The script I created is partially working with two selected folders that each contain three images (6 total). But it is only opening 3 images with the preview app instead of all 6.
I am also trying it out with more than 100 images in two separate folders and it gives me an error:
"Can’t make file \":43\" into type alias." number -1700 from file ":43" to alias
Also, the images are not being randomized every time I execute the script.
Please note that I prefer using the shell script to fetch the images because it is much faster than using the Finder. If it is possible to also use a shell script to randomize the images, I will like to know how this can be achieved in the script I created.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
tell application "Finder"
if selection is {} then
set theFolders to selection as alias list
set theImages to {}
repeat with aFolder in theFolders
set getImages to "find " & aFolder's POSIX path's quoted form & " -iname '*.jpg'"
set end of theImages to paragraphs of (do shell script getImages)
end repeat
-- Randomize selected images
set randomImages to {}
repeat with thisImage in some item in theImages
set end of randomImages to thisImage
end repeat
-- Get aliases
set filePaths to {}
repeat with thisFile in randomImages
set end of filePaths to (thisFile as POSIX file as alias)
end repeat
-- Open random images with Preview
open filePaths using application file id ""
end if
end tell