I have not found a way to locate the placement of an app in my many pages of folders on my iPhone home screen, short of looking through every single folder on every single page.
Before you say "use the search feature" let me point out "search" does not actually allow you to find anything—or, if it does, it's very hard to figure out how. The so-called search feature gives you an alternate launcher, but if it can be used to tell you where your app icon is in the many pages of your home screen, buried in the many folders on each page, I have not figured out how to make it do that. If all you want to do is launch the app, then "search" is okay. But if you want to move it to a certain folder, then (as far as I can tell) you're out of luck.
At least as of March 2020, when I'm writing this. Apple has finally given us the ability to delete things from the App Store, so they're on the right track. But I am failing to find a way to find things. Is there a way to do it?
Update: See my answer below to connect the dots between the problem and jmh's solution.