What's the easiest way to take a screenshot of my Mac?
I've used Grab.app
, but it's a bit annoying just to get a quick screenshot. Is there a faster way?
What's the easiest way to take a screenshot of my Mac?
I've used Grab.app
, but it's a bit annoying just to get a quick screenshot. Is there a faster way?
cmd shift 3 takes a screenshot of the entire current Desktop (all attached monitors, as separate shots].
cmd shift 4 takes a screenshot of a dragged selection.
cmd shift 4 then space (you must press space separately) then click, to take a screenshot of a specific window.
Holding Opt ⌥ as you click will remove the drop-shadow.
Add control to the shortcuts above to place the screen shot on the clipboard instead of saving it to the desktop.
defaults write com.apple.screencapture location -path <full path to the location>
, e.g. /Users/YourName/Screenshots
Nov 11, 2010 at 11:33
Also you may define a shortcut key for copying the selected area to clipboard as I did.
Here is how:
And done! From now on, when press that key, the area selection pointer appears and after you select the region on the screen, it copies the picture to the clipboard and you may paste anywhere.
Hope it helps...