I’m entering some less-used characters using option-key combination, eg option-o for ø on US layout (or ó on Polish layout). Unfortunately, some programs (namely IntelliJ/Android Studio) interpret such shortcuts on their own: in the "Find in Path" window, option-o toggles "Words" and so the character under option-o cannot be entered into search query (it can be typed in some other editor and pasted, but that's a short term solution). Unlike many other in IntelliJ, this shortcut is hardcoded and can not be turned off in preferences.
Can I make the system handle such key combinations and prevent rogue programs from hijacking this valid input?
/edit: I am not asking about alternative ways of getting those characters. For Polish layout users, option-(A,C,E,L,N,O,S,Z,X) are inherent part of the keyboard, as natural as Q, W or E being where they are.