I start to think this might be a bug in Catalina.
- I formatted my Mac-mini to factory reset (don't remember if was High Sierra or Mojave)
- I created a user at first startup.
- I upgraded to Catalina
- After Catalina installation I create a few users admin and non
- With a new admin user I can delete other admin or standard users without problem but I cannot delete the user created previously to Catalina. The message says:
to delete the user you need to enter their password
I did it several time, is the password I still use it to login with that user and it won't delete the account.
(See the problem when I try to delete the 4th user: no options is prompted)
So there must have been some sort of change between OS version and users created after Catalina cannot manage users created before Catalina.
I also tried to change the password for the user, the problem persists.
I also tried to remove the user through Terminal, no joy:
sudo dscl . -delete /Users/"yourusername"
<main> delete status: eDSPermissionError
<dscl_cmd> DS Error: -14120 (eDSPermissionError)